Masters electrician test success kit
Masters electrician test success kit
Masters Electrician TEST SUCCESS Kit

Simulated Online Testing - Instantaneous recording, assessment & reporting. Plus, Study guide.
Plus, complete downloadable PDF Book
Print & navigation on demand.
Succeed! PASS your Masters Electrician License Exam using these 12 online practice exams.
The Masters Electrician Test Success Kit is suited to electrician licensing exams in all 50 states and works well with any other study guide.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back - No Time Limit.
- List price $ 119.95
- Save 50%
- 10 Practice exams with answers and 2 final exams with answers.
- Analysis of exams that let you know what to review
- Helpful tips to pass the Masters test
- Prepare yourself for the open/code book questions and the closed/no book questions
- 2 for 1: Receive both the PDF Book and the Simulated Online Testing Immediately: Online + Mobile & Printable!
- Your Success Kit - Your Schedule: 24/7/365 and on… No Time Limit
- You can simulate your actual exam for practice or choose to make the questions consecutive or arbitrary in order.
- Know your score as you go. The simulated online format scores your test after each question and gives you a final score when complete.
- Printable & PC / MAC / iPad / iPhone / Android – Compatible
WHY BUY: Watch the video to hear how these materials are the perfect companion to prepare you for the Masters exam
Guaranteed Satisfaction - 100% or Your Money Back !

Written by Ray Holder
Certified Electrical Trade Instructor & Electrician License Exam Expert
Ray Holder has worked in the electrical industry for over fifty years as an apprentice, journeyman, master, field engineer, estimator, business manager, contractor, inspector and instructor.
Mr. Holder is a graduate of Texas State University and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Education. He was awarded a lifetime teaching certificate from the Texas Education Agency, in the field of Vocational Education.
He is a certified instructor of electrical trades. His classes are presented in a simplified, easy-to-understand format for electricians. Since 1965 Mr. Holder has taught over 30,000 students at the University of Texas, at Austin, Texas, Austin Community College, at Austin, Texas, Odessa College at Odessa, Texas, Technical-Vocational Institute of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Howard College, at San Angelo, Texas and in the public schools systems in Ft. Worth and San Antonio, Texas, and conducted electrical seminars throughout the United States. He is currently the Director of Education for Electrical Seminars, Inc. of Belen, New Mexico
Mr. Holder is a past member of the National Fire Protection Association, International Association of Electrical Inspectors and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
"The Masters online test was really helpful and they even had the full book as a download which made review easy. I also had some questions on certification and their customer service was prompt and informative.” Billy, T. – Clearwater, FL
"Some practice exams have over two thousand questions which makes things much more complicated and discouraging... I've spent lots of money on practice exams and study guides only to find myself "overwhelmed" with questions and topics I've never heard of! I've taken the practice exam on this site and discovered that these questions are the closest to what I've learned in school." - Milton T.
"I appreciate the customer service, it has been excellent and greatly appreciated." - Caitlin K.
"I want to let you know that I took my test today, and passed it. Thank you for the help." - Patricia N.
"If I ever take a test in another state, I would definitely use your product. I would recommend it to anyone that wanted to review national codes. Thanks again." - Mike N.
"I have & will continue to refer your testing service to people... I appreciate your diligence and the fact that you cared enough to contact me again... Your customer service & dedication to your customers is what has obviously kept you successful." - Hope
"I just want to let you know that i passed the masters test in the state of Wisconsin. Thank you very for your help. I would highly recommend your stuff. " - Steve A.
Masters Electrician Licensing Online Tests
is the ultimate guide to acing your Masters electricians exam. With 10 Open Book Practice Exams with Answers and 2 Complete Final Exams with Answers & Analysis there's more than enough ways to check if you’re test ready. The book also includes helpful tips from people who have taken the test to help offset the pressure in testing conditions. A downloadable copy of all the material in the 2014 Masters Electrician's Study Guide allows you to go through the test and copy out the test questions that you have the most trouble with. We’re so sure of your success, we guarantee your money back on the minute chance you don’t pass.
Level: |
Masters |
Device compatibility: |
Mobile/PC/MAC/iPad/iPhone/Android/ Palmpilot |
States: |
Good for all states! |